It’s winter, and time to focus on the start of a new financial year and to review your goals and plans for the rest of the year.
Whatever your plan, one of the issues we all face is how to stay focused on the task once the decision has been taken.
All of us, to varying degrees, get afflicted with ‘opportunities’ to stray from our priority tasks.
So how to stay focused for more of the time?
One way is to use the old but reliable system (S.M.A.R.T.) for setting goals.
A personal example on how this works:-
January last year I set a goal to lose 12kgs by July (6 months) and then measured it daily, accepting there will be fluctuations (nothing goes in a straight line or exactly as ‘planned’); implemented actions to achieve the goal (reduced intake; more exercise).
It was:-
- Specific (lose 12kgs).
- Measureable (can weigh myself).
- Achievable (a weight I’ve been before).
- Realistic (2kgs/month is not too extreme).
- Timed (6 months deadline)
And how did it go you ask – well as of July I’d lost the 12kgs.
But why did this one work, when other goals haven’t – one reason is the goal was very clear in my mind – i.e. Clarity. Plus a strong desire to make it happen (health and competitive sport).
So, what are you really trying to accomplish in your life?
- How are you trying to do it now?
- Is there a better way?
- You must gain clarity.
- But you must also have flexibility.
- Remove ego (just because it has worked for you before doesn’t mean it will forever.)
Develop a plan to achieve the goal
- Write out the plan task list
- Prioritise and do – #1s first
- Do nothing else until they are done
Sounds simple doesn’t it – so why don’t we make it happen – because we get distracted and lose focus, whether a personal or a business goal.
So, some tips and tricks to remaining focused and get value out of your effort:-
- Create an electronic device free zone
- On your computer, only have the windows you need open
- Get outside frequently
- Use motivating self-talk
- Keep 2 to-do-lists
- A big one with everything on it
- A second one with 3 items on it
- Put the big one away, work from the smaller one, and only bring the big one out to transfer a new item when one of the three has been completed
- Watch out for multi-tasking – can be distracting
- Keep reminders around of the main things to focus on
- Perform a self-scan daily
- Where am I at the moment
- What do I want to gain
- What should I be focusing on
- ‘55’ minute hour – 5 minute break
- Be Accountable to someone (i.e. tell someone what you are trying to achieve and report to them regularly on progress)
Always ask yourself “What is the most valuable use of my time right now?”