Welcome to The Small Business Wizard
The Small Business Wizard’s mission is to help you, the small business owners and managers (because in small business, the owner is usually the manager, the general ‘dogsbody’ and anything else to keep the business afloat!) adapt your business so that it grows and allows you, the owner, to extricate yourself from the day to day operation and begin working on your business – and to get the lifestyle you and your family deserve.
Whether your business is successful (congratulations if it is) or not, almost certainly you are working long hours in the business and can’t leave it for any lengthy period of time, otherwise it will stop earning you a living (in fact in many cases, small business owners really have a JOB, even if they work for themselves – if you can’t stop working because you are the ‘doer’ and bring in the earnings, then you have a job – a business is something that should, like a cashflow positive property, return income to you, the owner, whether you are there or not). In this website we will show you ways to change that situation – not necessarily overnight, but over time you will be able to move to being a true business owner with income from the business, whether you are there or not.
We have formed the view that small business deserves to be better served with the information they need and have created this website as the gateway to the many products and services provided by ourselves and others. Bookmark it as it is often updated and has many non chargeable services.

Articles are free and yours to print, distribute, share or use in any ethical manner providing that you acknowledge that they came from us.
Contact: The Small Business Wizard
Phone: 0419 011 638